Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:


Google Reviews

If you are looking for an experienced, personable loan officer...ask for Ros! He is very helpful and response time is impeccable. I would definitely refer friends and family to Southwest Funding.

- Carrie W.
Fort Worth, TX | July 14, 2016

Southwest funding can help most anyone with the finance or refinance process. difficult loans transactions they don't step away from. was sometimes time consuming, but Gail kept us informed and closed without any issues. Very pleased with Southwest. Thanks Joe

- bud smith
Dallas, TX | July 27, 2018

My wife and I worked with Joe Garrett and his team on our latest home purchase. Joe was terrific throughout the process. The communication and professionalism were the best we have dealt with from a mortgage company. I highly recommend Joe, Gail, Jeff and the entire Southwest Funding team. Great people to work with!

- Jeff Carpenter
Lewisville, TX | July 27, 2018

We were very pleased with our interest rate and overall costs. We had some credit concerns a couple of years ago but were  finally ready to purchase last year. We went with Southwest Funding and were very pleased then. Now, a year later after more improvements with our credit we were able to refinance at a full two points lower interest rate. I don’t think that would have happened elsewhere.  

- Angela
Porter, TX | August 05, 2019

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